An ultra early variety reaching the pinnacle of modern breeding delivering in all aspects. Very high yielding at 103%/104% of controls for favourable & less favourable sites. Great cob formation on a robust plant helps provide a high quality, high energy silage. Good resistance to fusarium extends harvest window compared to other ultra early varieties. Also good potential for a later drilling option following grass or cereal rye cut.
Cob Ripeness
Large erect cob with a high number of large grains per cob. Very early starch lay down even in tough conditions. Cob ripening days after Lovely + 3.
Maturity Group
FAO 170. Faith has an early cob and early leaf dry down as sugars are converted to starch within the plant. This enables growers to harvest early whilst field conditions are good.
Quality & Digestibility
Good digestibility and starch content combine with high yields to produce a very high output of energy per hectare - one of the best. Faith also has a good cell wall digestibility 57.8% enabling cattle to consume more feed and produce more milk or meat.
Sow at 42,500 to 45,000 seeds per acre (105,000 to 111,000 seeds/ha) to maximise output. Very high yield for an ultra early variety setting a new yield standard. Maximise your production on every field.
When to sow
Sow April to May
Terms & conditionsWhy select this crop?
- Cob Ripeness Score: 8.2
- FAO: 170
- End Use: Forage/AD
- Growing Area: Fav/Less Fav
- Soil Type Suitability: Medium/Heavy
- Early Vigour: 7.2
- Recommended Sowing Rate 42500-45000
- NIAB Yield of controls: 103/104
- Starch Content: 34.2/34.6
- ME Level: 11.64/11.59
- Standing Power: 7.8/7.6