All Seasons Game Maize
All Seasons maize blend is a unique blend of three maize varieties of varying maturity producing special benefits that cannot be achieved by growing a single variety. The mix is able to produce grain in good or bad seasons because of the range of maturities within the blend.
- EARLY VARIETY: In good or bad season grain is produced of a satisfactory maturity to provide feed. The plants brackle over to make cobs available to the bird
- MEDIUM VARIETY: In good season will give good grain yields later than the earlier variety, spreading the feeding season and holding the birds
- LATE VARIETY: Produces very large strong plants for all season cover with good resistance to lodging because of its very high fusarium disease resistance. Normally limited grain potential
Additional details
- SOWING DATE: April – Early June
- SOWING RATE: 45,000 seeds/acre
- PACK SIZE: 1 Acre
- COVER: August – February
Contact us on 01380 729 200 for more info