ES Constance
A very consistent and robust all round variety suitable for varied soil profiles. This variety enjoys some body in the soil. An excellent cob set produces high yields of good quality silage. Also ideal for proven grain production qualities and performs well under film.
Cob Ripeness
Good cob maturity for Maturity Group giving the potential to achieve good yields. Cob ripening days after Lovely +10.
Maturity Group
FAO 190. Perfect maturity for those growing on good maize soils. Large erect indeterminate cob producing high starch value.
Quality & Digestibility
Mid-season variety offering lots of mature grain. Translating into excellent levels of ME and Starch to produce a silage to increase your meat, milk or gas yield.
Sow at 42,500 to 45,000 seeds per acre (99,000 to 111,000 seeds/ha) to maximise output. Sow at 36,000/a (90,000/ha) for early grain harvest to produced crimped grain.
When to sow
Why select this crop?
- Cob Ripeness Score: 7.6
- FAO: 190
- End Use: Forage/Grain
- Growing Area: Fav/Less Fav
- Soil Type Suitability: Light/Medium Bodied
- Early Vigour: 7.3
- Rec Sowing Rate/Acre: 42500-45000
- NIAB Yield of Controls: 104
- Starch Content: 32.3
- ME Level: 11.5
- Standing Power: 8.1