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Grassland Opportunities for Arable Farmers

Posted: 20 May

In the last few years, there has been an increase in the number of arable farmers putting land down to temporary grass.

Including grassland into the rotation can bring about many benefits for arable enterprises, such as:

  • Improving soil health
  • Reducing certain weed pressures
  • Spreading the risk of on-farm production
  • Diversifying income streams

When looking how to bring grassland into the rotation and how to make an income form this, there are a few options available. The amount of potential investment/ risk to you varies with each option, therefore there is likely to be a grassland opportunity which suits your situation.

Examples of income streams from grassland include:

  • Grassland rented out for grazing for a season/ lifespan of ley


  • Standing crops sold for silaging or haylage (for whole growing season, per cut or per ha)


  • Growing grass or other forage crops on contract for companies (where the third party looks after crop and harvest)


  • Growing grass on contract (where you look after crop and harvest)


  • Allow livestock owned by third party to graze grassland but you look after stock (transactions based on liveweight gain or pence per day contract)  


  • Make silage and sell to local AD plant (often sold on a fresh weight or DM basis)


  • Buy livestock and graze crops/ feed silage or hay

If you are looking into bringing grassland into your rotation or have already planned on making this change in 2020, you’re welcome to speak to a member of the Hubbards Seeds team. We can provide support and advice on reseeding and overseeding mixtures for your temporary grassland. Please click here to find your local Area Manager.

Call our friendly team on 01380 729 200 for more information